November 23, 2019
Reservoir Management

Increasing the Permeability of Hydrothermally Altered Andesite by Transitory Heating

S. P. Mordensky , B. M. Kennedy, M. C. Villeneuve, Y. Lavallée, M. K. Reichow, P. A. Wallace , P. A. Siratovich, and D. M. Gravley

Journal paper. Geochemistry, Geophsysics and Geosystems. This study describes the results of thermal heating events lasting several hours on a “moderately altered” plagioclase‐clinochlore‐calcite‐quartz andesite and a “highly altered” plagioclase‐ clinozoisite‐quartz‐clinochlore andesite from the Rotokawa Geothermal Field, New Zealand.
